Archives for the month of: October, 2015

I have absolutely no direction for this blog except to do what I want.  With that being said, I have a bone to pick.  Recently, I have found myself between jobs.  My job search has been uneventful, despite saturating my market with all things me.  At one point I came across a job posting for Front Office Receptionist at a Chiropractors office.  The job paid slightly better than minimum wage, but not much.  This job is not in my area but I’ve been venturing out because any job is better than no job.  While reading their requirements, they actually listed “head shot”.  Why on God’s green earth is that important?!  I honestly thought that as a society we were beginning to move past looks and embracing individuality and uniqueness.  I am not naive and know that beauty is important to most people, but I thought as a people we were expanding what beauty means and what it looks like.  How can a photograph accurately present whether or not someone is beautiful?  It will only prove whether or not that person fits the employer’s preconceived idea of what they find attractive.  That, honestly, is disappointing to me.  We’ve all been in situations where we meet someone and over time their attractiveness flourishes by learning who they are as a whole.  In my opinion, that’s one of life’s greatest experiences.  Why would anyone purposefully limit themselves to only seeing the superficial?  Maybe I’m missing something….

Would you want a head shot before an interview?  What would you gain from that?

I am curious about everyone’s comments, struggles and tips etc for curly hair issues.  I feel like this naturalista movement has really taken off.  I had sported my natural locks for YEARS with no accolades but had recently straightened it for the past few months for work (much MUCH easier to do in the morning).  However, I got some sort of urge to do the big CHOP.  I cut off all the straight and left the curly.


So far it doesn’t look like much, but that’s because my hair has tight curls in the back, frizz on the sides and wavy in the front.

So my question is what works for you?  Show me ur huuuuuur!